Thirsty For Beers


Get To Know Our Designs

Get hyped for our summer collection and learn more about the design process in this interview with our Co-Founder, Creative Director & Product Developer - Jannis Geisseler. In this short interview he tells us about his inspirations for the latest design: Thirsty for Beers.

Jannis, tell us a bit about when you started with product development & design?

Creativity was gifted to me by my parents while I was still in the cradle. When I was young it was already a big part of who I was, and I had already starting creating the first shirts for my friends long before before Whatever Man came about. The first designs I created were relatively simple and not particular good - when I think back, I can't help but laugh at times. But this is a process that ongoing and will continue for the rest of my life. The more I get into it, the more I evolve - that's also what's exciting about it.

The passion for design led me to study architecture and now I work in a great architecture firm. Studying helped me significantly in broadening my horizons and I learned a lot within the process of design. It's amazing how many parallels architecture has with my work at Whatever Man. It is enriching for both sides...

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What inspires your designs?

The inspiration varies but most of all I am inspired by nature or experiences in nature with my friends. That's how the design "thirsty" was born. The design is inspired by the time when Whatever Man lifestyle was born - the road trip through the west of America with all my best friends... Discovering new things and driving through the endless vastness to evenings in bars celebrating life. It was an incredible time...

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What does the design process look like for you?

This varies. Many of my designs tell a story and each story usually sits as an image in my head - a snapshot. I then try to put this on paper with a sketch. What I used to do analog with pen and paper is now done via an iPad. I continue to elaborate on the sketch until the design is finally ready. Whether it's an illustration or more of a typographic composition - the process is remains the same.

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On average, how long does a design take from start to finish?

From one hour to several days … there is everything. Usually it’s good to put the design on the page and re-design it again later.

Whats your favourite part of creating new designs?

To bring joy to other people.

Thirsty For Beers