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🙌🏼 Luzern, are you ready?

Hey Whatever Man Tribe,

Remember when we teased you about the exciting news? Well, the day has finally come, and oh, what a day it was! Our hearts are bursting with joy as we reflect on the incredible journey from the initial announcement to the grand opening of our permanent Whatever Man store in Luzern.

🌍 Born in Whistler, Raised in Rusmu, In Luzern To Stay

From the picturesque landscapes of Whistler, Canada, to the vibrant streets of Luzern, Whatever Man is more than just a brand; it's a lifestyle. After the success of our Christmas Pop-up Store last year at En Bas in Luzern, we decided to plant our roots deeper. And on November 10th, we officially swung open the doors to our new home on Obergrundstrasse 69, 6003 Luzern in collaboration with Pie Freeride.

The Whatever Man store is more than just a retail space; it's a manifestation of our commitment to fair fashion, community, and good vibes.

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🏔️ How It Started

Our journey began with a Christmas Pop-up Store, a temporary taste of what Whatever Man had to offer. The response was overwhelming, and that's when we knew Luzern was the place we wanted to call home, permanently. The store is a testament to our roots, with designs inspired by our birthplace in Whistler, Kanada, and a commitment to sustainable and quality fashion.

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🎉 The Opening: A Night to Remember

The official opening was nothing short of spectacular. Luzern, you showed up in full force! We were honored to have Tele1 capture the excitement, and you can check out the coverage here. The energy was contagious, with new faces, old friends, and even connections that felt like family. The Glühwein flowed, laughter echoed, and the Whatever Man spirit was alive and thriving.

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🙏🏼 A Shoutout to Team Pie Freeride and You!

None of this would have been possible without the incredible team at Pie Freeride. Their dedication, passion, and hard work played a pivotal role in bringing our vision to life. To every member of the Whatever Man Family who showed support, spread the word, or simply dropped by to say hello—thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your support means everything to us.

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🌿 Looking Forward: The Next Chapter

As we bask in the afterglow of a successful opening, we're not just closing a chapter; we're opening a brand-new one. Our Luzern store is not just a place to shop; it's a space for community, connection, and shared experiences.

We look forward to welcoming you to our new home, where sustainable style meets good vibes. Keep an eye out for exciting events, new arrivals, and more as we embark on this journey together.

Thank you, Luzern, for an unforgettable opening! Here's to many more moments of joy, connection, and sustainable fashion.

See you at the new shop, your home away from home!

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